March 23, 2023
What an honor it was to be named the Winner of the Best Cinematic Essay Prize at the 41st edition of Le FIFA International Festival of Films on Art! Le FIFA is such a wonderful, inspiring festival that celebrates the arts, and we were so thrilled to participate. Thank you to the festival’s organizers for making everything possible, and to the film’s audiences for being so attentive, contemplative, and committed to the art of film.
A special thanks to the Le FIFA jury for the honor of this prize: Marie-Thérèse Fortin, Fatima-Zahra Lakrissa, Olivier Godin, Mercedes Sader, and Roxanne Gaucherand. We are truly moved by the depth with which you experienced The Faithful and your heartfelt words,
“The prize for Best Essay is awarded to The Faithful, The King, The Pope, The Princess, a singular investigation into idolatry and the power of images. The jury wishes to salute the intimate commitment and research of the director, who was able to touch, in a hollow way, a feeling of universal solitude that is difficult to grasp.” - The Le FIFA Jury
Le FIFA’s dedicated and brilliant director of programming Jacinthe Brisebois had this to say,
“American director Annie Berman took 15 years to make "The Faithful: The King, The Pope, The Princess", a film that introduces us to collectors who each have a passion for Elvis Presley, Pope John-Paul II and Princess Diana. “The idea for the film came to her when she saw a lollipop with the effigy of the pope and when she entered this universe. It was endless. She made a real auteur film with a strong signature.”
Now, as Le FIFA comes to an end, we look back on the festival’s many beautiful, moving explorations of art with immense gratitude. Congratulations to all of the other winners—your powerful works were an inspiration to witness. We were honored to be a part of 13 days of togetherness, appreciation of creativity, and genuine artistry. Thanks once again to everyone on the festival’s team for championing this film, and for the daring, emotional, and compelling programming.